A Good Little Girls Zine

Solitude’s Blessings

My mind overwhelms me with questions
questions of worth
questions of dreams
questions of skill

I sit alone stewing in preparation
for it to come
for it to happen
for it to unfold

All of it sits at the crispy edge of my skinny fingers
I feel the touch
but can’t see where it will take me
I squint to help me see clearer
but there’s nothing there

Then, like lightning splitting a tree in half
the idea falls into my mind:
“close your eyes, idiot
feel it happening”

Picture of Sonia Chintha

Sonia Chintha

Sonia Chintha is an Indian American writer who lives in the Washington DC area. She blogs, writes poetry, and fiction. She is also an English teacher who believes that our experiences teach us more than any test. She is the founder and co-editor of Good Little Girls.

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