- Tele-Researcher. Age 14-15. Cigars & Genital Herpes Medication.
- Hostess at Pizza Restaurant. Yelled at by manager. Quit next day, after crying in stairwell. Age 15.
- Babysitter. Age 14-16. Cute ass girl–Alexis.
- Hostess Lonestar Steakhouse. Age 17. Ate too many cheese fries. Country-line dancer Saturday nights.
- Sales Associate. Structure now known as Express Men. Age 17-19. German boss loved me! Wore mens clothing during this period.
- Bank Teller. Age 19. Read Magazines most of the day. Spied on Dad’s bank account. Applied Mathematics in real life.
- Sales Associate Ann Taylor. Pretended I was a suit lady. Realized I hate bureaucracy. Age 19-21. Spent more than I made.
- Assistant Studio Manager Joy of Motion. Discovered my true self–dance baby dance. Age 19-21.
- Age 21-22 travel to India. Teach 6th grade. Teach a hip-hop dance workshop. Plan fundraisers back in the US. Graduate College.
- Teach Adult ESL at night. Age 22-24. Don’t get paid, become part of county scandal to not get paid for job. Get paid later, but not for all the hours. Perform with students at Christmas party.
- Permanent Substitute. Age 23. Rehearse at night till midnight. Wake at 5AM, teach 10-11th graders with no teaching experience.
- Graduate School. New York, New York, New York, New York! Age 24-26. Forget how to sleep. Become teacher.
- HR Assistant at Times Square Fancy Pants Hotels. File. Paper-cuts. Write. File. Feel Adult.
- Nanny to Fancy Pants advertising exec. and film editor’s 8-year-old daughter. Age 25-26. 8 year old bestie in the city. Life is good.
- 7th grade Reading Intervention Teacher. Attempt to teach Language! By attempt, more like avoid. Age 26. Yearbook Sponsor. Do. It. All.
- 10-12th Grade English Teacher. Breathe. Laugh. Find. Fight. Control. Age 27-29.
- 7-8th Grade English Teacher. Brace. My. Self. Age 29-31. EVOLVE.
- Tiny Chefs Master Chef. Teach Pre-k & 5th graders to cook. Forget flour in cookies first day! Learn. to. love. again. Age 31.
- 7th Grade English Teacher. Age 31-36. Meet besties galore. Find true self. Leave.
- 6-8th grade English Teacher. Age 36. B.A.L.A.N.C.E. Baby, balance!