A Good Little Girls Zine

Illustration by Deema Alawa

I am detained by Susan Chung

I am detained


I wake up

eyes wide open
body is alert
I sit up

Why did I say that?
What are they thinking?
What should I do? 


Alarm goes off

When did I fall back asleep?
I still feel tired

get up
get ready for work

Why did I say that?
What will I say when I see them?
What should I do?

It’s cold out
I need a heavy jacket
I missed a call from mom
I need to call her back
I have to pick up some chicken for dinner
I hope they don’t complain that it’s the 2nd time this week we’re eating chicken


Lunch time

make sure I eat more lettuce
and also the cucumbers
should I eat the dessert today? the sugar, the carbs, the fat

always remember
heart disease
and of course, cancer


Back at work

I forgot to email him back
make sure to read over the email before sending it
I need to find her and make sure she understands what I meant
also don’t forget to find that chicken recipe for dinner
I have to buy a birthday gift
make sure the gift is thoughtful and special


Sitting in traffic

he was acting funny
he must be a little bit upset with me
I need to make sure I smile more when I make eye contact with people

I think she’s upset with me too
I forgot to send the email
I need to take care of it tomorrow



I ate too much
I should go for a walk
but I’m tired
just for a little bit
but I need to clean the kitchen

I forgot to call mom
I should go for a walk
but I’m tired
only 30 minutes
but I need to check my emails again


In bed

I’m so tired
don’t forget to finish the shopping list
and call mom
and make the doctor’s appointment for my recent headaches
need a side for dinner for tomorrow
I’m so tired…


I wake up