A Good Little Girls Zine

Muriel the Brave by Diana Vaniotis and Parivash Goff

Illustration by Jill Kimura

Edited by Parivash Fahim Goff & Sonia Chintha

by the everyday tasks 
of loving six packages of boisterous joy –
five boys, then, at last, a girl.
I fill our house with love, with food,
with lively talks of justice.
My cluster complete.

And then

a missed cycle
doing the math in my head
knowing that another child 
is not an option.

I search for options not available 
here in America; it’s not safe.
Thank god we have the means, can travel.
But Denmark, Israel are all deadends.

I am set adrift – 
a woman, a mother, a fugitive.

Across the desert,
my physician husband and I drive 
to  a clinic in Nogales
where police monitoring 
rules out 
after care.

A 13 hour drive home 
flooded with grief and relief –as difficult a decision as this was,
how much more difficult 
would it be to leave 
six children 

A day later delirium sets in.
A faint begs a call to my gynecologist,
panicked advice to head to the hospital.

Glass shard memories
a wheelchair, endless questions, 
hovering above myself as
infinite ice is packed around me 
to coax down a stubborn fever.

Loneliness consumes me –
their licenses at risk for aiding me,
neither my gynecologist
nor my husband
are safe here.
Yet, am I – lost in the detritus 
of bandages and bloody sheets?

Fifty years later
I watch in horror –
my story first told 
at the Santa Clara County Commission meeting so long ago –
will be repeated.

In my 94th year, 
I am witness to a reversal. 
I relive a crime scene 
that is not my crime.

I weep for our daughters
who will be left alone
in their pain.

The collective feet of supreme arbiters 
on our necks again.

*Muriel Mahrer recounted her story to her daughter-in-law, Diana Vaniotis. Diana passed the story along to us, and she and Parivash Fahim Goff converted the story into verse.

Picture of Diana Vaniotis

Diana Vaniotis

Diana lives on the Central Coast in California where she spends her post- teaching career days taking daily walks along the sea, tends her garden, pals around with her plucky dog, Poppy, reads and reads some more, engages in civic activism and occasionally cooks up a storm of Mediterranean food to share with family and friends. That was before the Covid pandemic. Now she essentially does the same thing, but with a mask.

Picture of Parivash Fahim Goff

Parivash Fahim Goff

Parivash Fahim Goff is a seeker of peaceful moments. She finds those moments in small daily doses, whether it be walking her dog, playing soccer or lounging in the sun with a book and a good cup of tea. These days she feels her greatest peace as she’s building legos with her son or hanging with him as he breaks into a fresh box of colorful sidewalk chalk.

Muriel the Brave Mahrer at 92

Though Muriel just got out of rehab for breaking some vertebrae, she has not lost a step in her fight for justice for women. As Diana and Muriel discussed the awful Supreme Court, she remarked she was currently reading The Handmaid’s Tale. She remains a badass!