There once was a room in a town close to a city A room in a building filled with Locals from near and far. It's cozy and special Just for one person Within the walls of a two-bedroom Apartment. Filled with luxury Filled with art: Pastels, oil paint, even a trumpet Filled with love, poetry, drawings and writings all from the past and the present. It's a space just for me a club house a room to write, to meditate, take a nap or just be. This room, this club house, my refuge every Sunday to escape the day when sports they invade, invade my happy home. This room, My inspiration it allows to grow. It nurtures my needs, forgives my mistakes, and demands lazy days once in a while. This room, a space a sacred place has allowed me the freedom, the liberty to be exactly me!

NaBloPoMo Day 16!