A Good Little Girls Zine

Illustration by Jill Kimura

Scream: Detainee by Sonia Chintha

today I sat at a table
rectangular in shape
long and wide
with seven white people in power
next to the other person of color at the table

“Girl we made it!” I said to her,
my friend,
my colleague
a woman of color
we laughed and turned back
to this table where power sits
the only color here are the wood panels of the walls
here is where hope comes to die
here lives the shadow of hope
as Ms Channing Brown says

in this shadow of hope
two women of color have taken a seat
to fight for–
a world that honors diversity
begging this table
take action
do the right thing
even with the million miles of red tape

today I sat at a table
the same one I’ve been trying to get a seat at all year
drenched in the shadow of hope,
i asked for more
for our students
for our future
for a better place.




Dear Readers,

**Detainee is about finding hope in the dark crevices of our minds where we are convinced there may be no light and yet, we grasp it tightly because we believe in the shadow of hope there can be more love.**

I hope this issue brings you hope on a day when we have to face some hard truths about our nation. I hope this issue honors the work of the activists that came before us. I hope you are able to find hope in our nation this year.

With Hope,

Sonia Chintha
Your Editor in Chief