A Good Little Girls Zine

Illustration by Deema Alawa

Confession by Sonia Chintha

there are times when I bash mothers
(the holy grail of humans)
because there are times when 
these celestial creatures
piss me off

I go on bashing tirades
convincing myself that 
mothers are the problem,

they are perpetuating this notion that– 
all women have to bare a child
be gorgeously, uncomfortably pregnant
give birth with a bloody emergence of a bumbling baby
miraculously breast feed, 
and are thusly blessed
by people, society, world

but the compass always points this
empty womb, wombless body, heirless woman
in the same direction:
to a land that perpetuates motherhood as the single story

I yearn to be free of that magnetic pull 
of those metal points 
to breathe into life a space
(spaces, actually)
women are more 
where their countless tales are protected and revered
where varied experiences
are the miracle
for every woman

this, I pray,  is the complete body of woman.