A Good Little Girls Zine

Illustration by Tatyana Safronova

FU JK by Kyle Dunbar

When you told us to believe there were

Owls that carried letters

And half-giants that raised dragons

And secret passageways through fireplaces

We believed you


We believed your stories so much

We waited all night for the next book

We donned our robes and scarves to watch your movies

We waited in long lines to try real butterbeer

We believed your stories


Your stories made us believe

In a world where 11-year-olds stop trolls

In a world where the forgetful bumbler turns hero

In a world where a mother’s love is the greatest protector

Your stories made us believe in ourselves


But then when we tried to tell you our stories, you didn’t believe us


How dare you create a world where humans can transform into cats, and rats, and dogs

But you don’t think I should transform my body to match who I am?

How dare you make us fall in love with a world of mermen, unicorns, and hippogriffs

But tell us we shouldn’t love our authentic selves?

How dare you create a beautiful, magical world that was our childhood escape, our safe place, our shared retreat

And then tell us we don’t belong?


Well, FU JK


We will have to write our own stories

We’ll create our own magical worlds

Places where our stories can be believed


Because we believe in each other

Remember, you taught us that.