A Good Little Girls Zine

Illustration by Jill Kimura

Scream: Innovate Woman

When I thought up the theme for our first issue of 2023, I imagined an issue filled with giant declarations of women inventing and reinventing.


And then, the writing began to trickle in and it was clear: this grandeur dreamer at times only measures success with the large milestones and had to rethink the meaning of innovate.


My writers showed me that large shifts happen because of bite-sized innovations. I treasure this idea because being a woman and a woman of color, it is easy to forget and devalue the bite-sized innovations that I create every second. Only years later once these seeds have grown into branches do I see that actually I created a zine, written anti-racist curriculum, reinvented my philosophy on bodies.


So Innovate Woman! Is about reminding women and honestly myself too, that tiny innovations that happen every day like figuring out your family’s schedule, or self therapizing yourself out of an anxious moment, or organizing your closet; these are the innovations that create seismic shifts in this world. Don’t discount them.

I hope this issue helps you find your bite-sized innovation today!


Sonia Chintha

Editor in Chief