A Good Little Girls Zine

A Woman’s Labor


Blink, Breathe, Sigh, Smile

2:15-6:20pm | Thursday, September 5, 2019

Revise two papers.
Answer text messages: 
Encourage dancer to audition for the play.
Reschedule 3:30 meeting for same time next week.

Answer emergency phone call from bestie. 
Get in the car, pick up three extra kids in carpool (see “answer emergency phone call”).

Pick up medicine for eye infection.
Confirm dinner plan.
Buy groceries online because who has time for shopping?
Make snacks.

Pay performers via PayPal.
Kiss husband… he’s having a sleepy day:
Seasonal Insomnia.
#thing3 exists to wake us up nightly.

Load 4 kids into car for soccer practice.
Write paper:
At the playground.
While breaking up #kidsfightclub.

Brainstorm December show with musicians
Volunteer to bring snacks to game next week.

Check on 3 kids at playground.
Write this.
Play with kids.

This woman’s labor?
The journey from hospital birth (thing 1) to home-birth (things 2+3).
Trusting a partner.
Logistical weight lifting of our daily lives.
I have to share the work. 
My partner is open to doing the work…
it’s almost harder.
Giving up some of my power in the traditional “I am the CEO of our household” way. 

Who am I kidding? 
I am the CEO of our household. 
gaining financial independence shifted the power structure.

Show up, be accountable, and be the best version of myself. 
blink. blink. blink. blink. Blink.

The children are watching.



Picture of Kelly King

Kelly King

Kelly King is a creator. She generates movement, dialogue, and joy by serving individuals, communities, and businesses as an educator, consultant, advocate, and audience member. She has choreographed many plays for regional theaters including: Constellation Theater, Round House Theatre, Taffety Punk Theatre Company, and Synetic Theater. Kelly currently performs with Contradiction Dance Theatre, which she founded, and BodyWise Dance. She has also performed with Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, Cirque Du Soleil, Echo Park Contemporary Ballet, City Dance Ensemble, and JazzDanceDC. She earned the Mayor’s Arts Award for Excellence in Arts Education as the Director of Education for CityDance, and has received numerous individual awards including the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities Individual Artist Fellowship, #MAMAISAMAKER Residency, 202Creates Resident Artist, and a Friend of Goddard Scholarship. She choreographed the Helen Hayes nominated Pheaton (Outstanding Choreography, Play-Hayes Production) at Taffety Punk Theatre. She is also the Founder of The Movement Movement, a consulting firm offering individuals and corporate entities movement based solutions for personal and business optimization.

Picture of Sydney Varajon

Sydney Varajon

Sydney Varajon holds an MA in Folk Studies from Western Kentucky University, and is currently a PhD student in Folklore and English at the Ohio State University. She has worked on various oral history and cultural resource documentation projects in southern Appalachian regions of Tennessee and Kentucky, as well as in newcomer communities in Columbus, Ohio. Her current research explores the intersections of material culture, place studies, narrative, and cultural policy.

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