A Good Little Girls Zine

Teacher Needs

What we need is not another training, professional development, after school support, not another empty thank you in an email.

What we need is not another meeting that could have been an email, another email that demoralizes, and yet asks, asks, asks: more. more. more.

What we need is not more boxes of homemade cookies as appreciation, handmade cards, CVS chocolates at the holidays.

What we need is to be seen as the experienced professionals that we are. Trusted to act and create and care because society is built because of us.

What we need is value. Money that proves over and over again that teachers are the foundation of a society. Pay that does not demoralize.

What we need, instead of another tone deaf email, training, workshop, meeting, is to be heard.

Picture of Sonia Chintha

Sonia Chintha

Sonia Chintha is an Indian American writer who lives in the Washington DC area. She blogs, writes poetry, and fiction. She is also an English teacher who believes that our experiences teach us more than any test. She is the founder and co-editor of Good Little Girls.

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