A Good Little Girls Zine

I Ain’t Got Time for That!

Student 1: “Ms. C, can I stay after with you; I failed a test and need to bring my grade up.”

Me: It’s Monday. I stay after on Wednesdays.  I ain’t got time for that.

Student 2:  “Ms. C When will we get our grades for our essays.” (That were turned in yesterday!)

Me: I ain’t got time for that.

Student 3: “Ms. C why can’t Photography Club meet every Monday?”

Me: I ain’t got time for that.

Student 4: “Ms. C, Can I turn in my assignment that was due three weeks ago?”

Me: Uh, No; I ain’t got time to grade that.

Student 5:  “Ms. C, what can I do to bring my B to an A?”

Me: Nothing.  That’s a mastery level grade.  I ain’t got time for that.

Student 6:  “Uh Ms. C, did you get the emails that I sent you over the weekend about why my work will be late again?”

Me: I ain’t got time to read your emails of the weekend.  I have a life, a family, a home!

Student 7:  “Dear Ms. C, I noticed I got a D on my first draft.  Could you please send me the notes on that draft?  Also can I meet with you before and after school three days this week to improve my grade?” (Truth: The draft was incomplete and ignored all expectations set forth in class for revisions and notes on revisions.)

Me: I ain’t got time for that.  Complete your draft.

Student 8:  “Dear Ms. C, I noticed you put in a Not Handed In on my Independent Reading Assignment 1.  I know I did it and turned it in.  Maybe you lost my work?”

Me:  Dear student, Glad to hear from you!  Check your binder for this assignment.  I ain’t got time for that.

Student 9: ” Ms. C do you have a pencil and paper I can borrow?”

Me: Borrow?  Are you going to give me back the paper that you took notes on so that I can keep it as a keepsake?

Next Day INT ELA Classroom

Me:  Okay let’s get ready for our mini lesson today!  Writers, today we are going to grow into–

Student 10: (Raises hands)

Me: Yes?

Student 10: “Can I go to the bathroom?”

Me: I ain’t got time for that!

Picture of Sonia Chintha

Sonia Chintha

Sonia Chintha is an Indian American writer who lives in the Washington DC area. She blogs, writes poetry, and fiction. She is also an English teacher who believes that our experiences teach us more than any test. She is the founder and co-editor of Good Little Girls.

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