A Good Little Girls Zine

Who am I? With whom do I belong? How can I help?

Since it’s January and every year around this time I reclaim it all with giant hot-air balloon sized dreams and goals.  Since a close friend of mine is considering starting a blog herself.  It seems right to consider who I am as a blogger.  I am dream2write.  A gal who never thought she would write well; one who got mostly C’s on her essays through college. I started this journey with a dream.  A dream to write about the love of my life: food.  A dream to write publicly about not just my dreams but all that I learn day-to-day.  I started this journey 2 years ago scared and excited.  Yeah, I had that dream.  You know the Carrie Bradshaw one in which a publisher stumbles upon my blog and magically offers me a book deal and I quit my job and become a New York Times Bestseller.

Two years later, I blog for some of those same reasons, but have evolved.  I learned that I don’t need to be perfect as a writer.  Additionally, I realized that writing fiction is also a huge part of my identity.  I discovered that it’s not just about food, but about life in general that sparks my passion to write.  This blog evolved and yet remains the same:  It’s still about my experiences through taste and travel, but now it’s also about those little moments that are easily forgotten at the day’s end.  Little pockets of gratitude, learning, frustration that shift and affirm my perspective on life.

So what, who cares?  Who cares about my point of view?  Who cares about what I have to say?  With whom do I really belong in this blogging community?  Ugh!  I don’t know.  Claiming the answers to these questions require clarity–a trait that I do not often possess, at least not today.  I belong to the people who are able to connect with a post, a paragraph, a sentence, a word that I have written.  I belong with artists. (Something I never saw myself as.  In fact, in my youth, I often told others my brother’s the musician; I’m just a hard worker.)  I belong with those who care to be better people, those who care to continue to work on becoming their best selves–emotionally and mentally.  I belong here.

I help.  Do I help?  How can this measly blog help anything in this boundless world?  I hope to put a bit of truth out there.  I hope to help by allowing others to possibly see the world with a different perspective, through a new lens.  (Not a lofty goal at all!) I think I want to help by taking a risk and putting myself out there without a Instagram filter.  I hope to help by allowing those who read this blog to feel a connection–one that is simple, easy, human.

So there it is.

I am a blogger, a writer, an artist.

I blog on WordPress in America among thousands of fellow bloggers.

I help by reflecting on and demonstrating my imperfect self; one whose purpose is to be human and nothing more.


Picture of Sonia Chintha

Sonia Chintha

Sonia Chintha is an Indian American writer who lives in the Washington DC area. She blogs, writes poetry, and fiction. She is also an English teacher who believes that our experiences teach us more than any test. She is the founder and co-editor of Good Little Girls.

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