I slipped on my Women's size 6 gray and teal Chuck Taylor's and stood up it was 70 degrees outside December A slight summer-like breeze brushed through the apartment hugging me wishing me luck All my belongings packed, stacked outside in a large truck the inside empty-- I couldn't help but remember that first day I walked into this very home 2 & 1/2 years ago empty just like this minus all the love and comfort our first place as husband and wife the place --where I found my job the place --where I started my novel the place the home my home The sun warmed my back I memorized the blue walls the very color that we had chosen holding hands --compromising. "you ready?" he asked placing his hand on the small of my back hand-in-hand we walked out leaving it behind: our first place allowing the sadness to dissolve into the new the new love the new comfort that would be our-- my sweet home.