A Good Little Girls Zine

August marks 2 years

of a woman who bore 2 children

One living

One dead

A woman

who experienced 3 pregnancies

6 years ago

1.5 years ago

1 year ago

A mother’s guilt for her one child’s wish for a brother or sister

A mother’s guilt for her inability to make this happen

A woman’s guilt for her shortcomings to yield her own buried desire of a healthy child

of bearing this guilt in silence and thinking

… feeling…


like she’s the only one suffering

A woman’s guilt of being a statistic

1: 15,700 children are diagnosed with MCADD

1: 10,000 children die from anencephaly

1: 20,000 pregnancies end in stillbirths

1: 500,000 pregnancies end in a first trimester miscarriage

1: 10 struggle with infertility

August marks 2 years

and this woman’s guilt, though heavy, will not hold her down,

Or keep her quiet

She’ll begin to share her story

She’ll begin to talk about the son she lost

She’ll begin to heal

She’ll begin to own her truth

Because she knows and stands in her guilt

as a mother, as a woman

For it does not define her or her story

Picture of Kelly Robucci

Kelly Robucci

Kelly Robucci is a mom, a wife, a working woman, an educator, an avid reader, a novice writer, and lover of Thai food and wine.

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