A Good Little Girls Zine

The Scholarship Program

Illustration by Sonia Chintha

Associate Director

“Why aren’t you on scholarship?”
I’m not a student. What was he talking about?
“The house, the car, the whole package.
I could put you on scholarship.
All you have to do is be available.

I was
a twenty-six year old Associate Director of the dance company
meeting to pick up a check:
a business lunch.

He was

to give me a check
in exchange for my time;





You see, donors have to be
And sometimes                     
that thin, gray line is crossed.
I was the Associate Director,
a performer.
a vulnerable young woman
exposed to a much older man’s

Unprotected from his advances,
expected and encouraged to meet him

as needed.

His clammy hands and beady, watery eyes searched for mine
at every reception
always hoping for a dance with me.

I wasn’t angry or surprised,

it was ordinary.
to him, his kind.
I used to believe it was all benign; I was just “doing my job”.  
I wasn’t even shocked.

I wonder
what the conversations between the Artistic Director and that donor went like?
Did the Artististic Director know?
Did he know the position he put me in:
for his own gain?

Fledgling Artistic Director

I had only met him twice, publicly, at performances.
After the second, he sent me an email stating his intention to make a large donation; he would be our “Season Sponsor”.
Full of optimism and gratitude, I met him:
to pick up the check,

and that’s when
he offered me                  
his terms:

to sponsor a season, to fuck me regularly
to be his mistress–the head of a major university’s psychiatric department in Washington, D.C.

Dirty and ashamed, my mind rumbled:
How did I provoke him?
I am too flirtatious.
I somehow led him on.
I dress too sexy.
I should wear more conservative clothes.
I shouldn’t make such strong eye contact, it misleads men.
I hug too easily.
I should stop touching people.
I must have asked for it to happen.

Fledgling Artistic Director Cont’d

In 2010,
I encouraged
“Sponsor a Dancer” campaign.

“Dinner with a Dancer”
a reward for a high donation
An exchange for personal time.

Replicating the exact circumstances
That made me feel dirty and used
Like a filthy rag.

It’s blind luck that we chose Kickstarter to fundraise that year instead.




myself for the near-miss.

Headline: New York City Ballet Terminates Male Dancers

Story: These dancers were caught sharing sexually explicit videos and photos of a female dancer, taken without her knowledge.

Evidence: The text messages between one of the terminated male dancers and a donor:

The lawsuit said a male donor wrote to Finlay suggesting that the men should tie ballerinas up “and abuse them like farm animals,” to which Finlay replied, “or like the sluts they are.”


Creator of Movement, Dialogue, Joy

Aware of my own complicity and the risks of perpetuating the patronage system
I still

I yearn for female performing artists to forge a new path for ourselves.
Including fundraising plans free of implied “quid pro quos” and “tit for checks”.

Building a company with eyes wide open is my job.
Sharing my stories,
creating honest dialogue about how easily discriminatory systems are perpetuated,
and opening the space for others to share their ideas and experiences dances me into the next chapter of life with clarity and purpose.

I am a creator.

I generate

Picture of Kelly King

Kelly King

Kelly King is a creator. She generates movement, dialogue, and joy. Kelly makes dances for theater, film, stage, and street... and all the places people go in-between. Recent Dance & Theater choreography includes: annual productions for Contradiction Dance Theatre (2006-2017); Open Circle Theatre & Dance Exchange: Unreachable Star; Taffety Punk Theatre Company: Pramkicker, Trojan Women, Phaeton (Helen Hayes Award Nominee); Round House Theatre: Master Harold… and the Boys, Stage Kiss.

Kelly currently performs with Contradiction Dance Theatre and BodyWise Dance. She has also worked with Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, Cirque Du Soleil, Echo Park Contemporary Ballet, City Dance Ensemble, and JazzDanceDC.

Kelly serves the creative community as a choreographer, performer, educator, consultant, advocate and audience member. She is the Artistic Director of Contradiction Dance Theatre & Co-Founder of The Movement Movement.

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